






Void Bullet:

W.I.P. roguelike game I am developing about a guy who found himself in the VOID and was attacked.

Download it Here

You Can Have Only One:

Small clicker game I made for a friends game jam. (Fun Fact: I was the only submission)

Source Code Play it Here

Phase Jump:

Custom DVD Bouncer:

A program that makes a DVD logo bounce around your desktop. (first program I've made in C++)

Source Code


TF2 CTF map I made for the TF2MAPS.net 72 Hour Jam 2023

TF2MAPS.net Post Steam Workshop Post



2D Platformer Shooter where you shoot seeds that I made at CruzHacks (And Won Second Place in Sustainability!!) with Camille Leon to promote Sustainability and to try and get people to plant plants and trees.

Source Code

Aquarium Evasion Nodeless:

Small endless game I helped make with some friends at a Hackathon (version that doesn't require a node.js server)

Source Code Play it Here


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